MissingExploitedChildren Feature Archive of Articles

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He is a Child Molester
Multiple Child Abduction Attempts Missouri
Child Brides
Role Playing Helps Children Stay Safe
Signs of Sexual Abuse or Red Flags
Hailey Owens Springfield Missouri
Coaching or Grooming Five Tips for Parents
Garden of Innocents Buries Precious Hope
Child Sex Trafficking and the Super Bowl
Snapchat, Smart Phones and Teens
Archive by Date | Archive by Article Title
He is a Child Molester
There are ways we convince ourselves that our loved one could never hurt a child. Instead we tell ourselves lies to prove to ourselves he could not be sexual predator. After all, how could we NOT know someone we love sexually abuses children?
Multiple Child Abduction Attempts Missouri
Have you reviewed what your child should do if approached by a stranger? If you are in the Saint Louis Area you need to talk to your children now. There have been multiple child abduction attempts in the past two weeks.
Child Brides
In Saudi and Yemen there are countless child bride stories. Yemen has a law that states the age of marriage is 15, but it is rarely enforced. Child brides often married off before they even reach their teen years. Will Yemen ever change?
Role Playing Helps Children Stay Safe
What would your child do if someone followed him or her home from school? Children learn through role play how to respond to a situation. Learn how to role play with your child.
Signs of Sexual Abuse or Red Flags
There are plenty of red flags or signs that occur when a child is being sexually abused by someone they know. Parents need to learn what those red flags are and take action when they see several red flags in a relationship their child is involved in.
Hailey Owens Springfield Missouri
This is Hailey Owens story based on how I learned what happened over night to this little girl. May she rest in peace.
Coaching or Grooming Five Tips for Parents
If a coach or other adult requests to meet with your child do you wonder if there is an ulterior motive to his or her sudden interest? Learn five tips to protect your children.
Garden of Innocents Buries Precious Hope
The Garden of Innocents is a non-profit organization that ensures all baby's and children are buried with respect, kindness, and love. Precious Hope is one of those children provided a loving, light filled ceremony filled with her Saint Louis family.
Child Sex Trafficking and the Super Bowl
Major sporting events, including the Super Bowl, harbor a dark under world that most Americans choose to ignore and pretend does not exist. Human trafficking including the child sex slave trade are big business during the Super Bowl. Please learn how you may encounter a child sex slave.
Snapchat, Smart Phones and Teens
Teens are finding out the commonly used Snapchat app to send and receive scantily clothed pictures to friends online may actually leave the teen with indecent exposures accessible online. The app which originally claimed to erase naked or half naked selfies is perhaps not able to do all it claims.
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