Beginners Basics

Life Readings Vs. Situation Readings
Many people mistake a life reading for the detailed reading of a more specific reading such as a relationship or career reading.
Children and Past Lives
Have we lived before? Will we live again? Children's experiences, dreams and sensations such as Deja vue can offer us just the glimpse we need to answer some of our deepest questions.
Have you every walked into a room and heard your name whispered when no one was there? Have there been times when you were certain you heard strange sounds such as rappings, chimes or even animal noises when you were completely alone? Read on to learn more about clairaudiance.
Clairvoyance and Death
Often when we experience the loss of someone close residual energy is left behind. Through clairvoyance and other psychic abilities we will often find messages of love left behind.
Clairvoyance and First Impressions
Have you ever decided at the last minute to take a different route to work only to find an accident, precisely at the time you would have reached your destination?
Clairvoyance and the New Age
We all experience clairvoyance and other psychic phenomenal traits at one time or another from knowing what someone is going to say before they say it to vivid dreams entailing messages from a loved one. Though our first instinct may be to brush these experiences off as coincidence, repeated events
Clairvoyance Newsletter
Are you uncannily accurate about people you've just met, easily affected by a person's mood or have dreams that often come true? Read on for more information and subscribe to the Clairvoyance Newletter!
Clairvoyance, Seers The Truth
Have you ever had a plaguing feeling, premonition or simply something far to uncanny to deny no matter how hard you try? Chances are you've tapped into one of the many layers of the "Unknown" A.K.A Physics!
Disappointing Readings
When a reading grants us news we might rather not hear, understanding there are no mistakes, we create what we need helps in balancing our perspective of the situation, expected or not.
Empowering Your Personal Psychic Abilities
Are you ready to investigate your own psychic abilities? Have you ever wondered if there is more to our current reality? Meditation and perception are two very good places to start.
Enhancing Psychic Abilities
Enhansing psychic abilities does not have to be complicated or expensive. Starting with just a few simple techniques around the home can put us in a position to naturally enhance our abilities while applying new found insight into our lives.
Finding a Spiritual Advisor
In certain situations hiring the services of an Intuitive or Spiritual Advisor can be an invaluable tool! With a few simple guidelines, experienced professionals can be worth their weight in gold and more affordable than you think!
Fine-tuning Perception Wtih Sounds of Silence
Just as you would turn the channel on the television with the push of a button, so too can one fine-tune the focuss of our reception with abilities available to us in calming ones being. The sounds within silence are not quite what you would expect when most every daily activity is one based in the
How to get a Quality Reading
Usually a sense of urgency leads to a person’s first experience with a psychic and though this may give us a good initiative in seeking resolve, a quality reading is much more obtainable when approached with balance.
Intuition and Body Sensations
Have you always known you have intution but wonder what it's trying to tell you? Have you noticed at times your body seems to have a mind of its own with goose bumps and hairs standing on end?
OBE's and NDE's
Do you have dreams that feel more like experiences? Have you ever felt the sensation of leaving your body while you sleep? Discovering the private life of the soul can be as reachable as the hours we dedicate to rest!
Opening Psychic Channels
Working with our psychic gifts doesn't have to be complicated. Whether venturing on your own or through the direction of a mentor, learning is easy if you can remember three basic principles.
Past Lives
Is it possible we´ve lived before? If so, can the lives we've lived before tell us more about the life we're living now?
Processing Psychic Information
What may appear to be normal everyday experiences for some can prove to hold vital information for the clairvoyant. From split images to disturbing dreams, keeping a personal journal in real-time, can provide the perfect tool for referencing information at a later date.
Psychic Abilities and Emotions
If you could be granted clairvoyance for a day would you do it?
Psychic Accuracy
Can psychics and clairvoyants read minds? Can they be lied to or be wrong about significant events? Just how real is psychic accuracy?
Psychic Attacks
When plaguing thoughts and negative emotions begin invading you around certain people, family gatherings and even geographical locations, you may be encountering a spiritual attack.
Psychic Etiquette
When to divuldge psychic information.
Psychic Families
Have you had more than uncanny experiences with friends, partners or members of your extended family? Whether we're born into a group or have met up with our spiritual families along the way, these are the connections built over many lifetimes finding us now.
Psychic Self Defense
Every single day we're exposed to potential psychic threats, especially if we are surrounded by a dysfuntional friend or family member. If you've found yourself particularly negative or depressed more than usual, it may be time to incorporate some psychic self defense.
Psychic Shielding and Clearing
Are you easily overwhelmed at the grocery store or in large crowds? Do you find after spending just a few minutes with a friend or co-worker your own emotions change significantly? Shielding and clearing can be a useful part of everyday living and vital when working with psychic abilities.
What is a soul mate? Do they even exist? Find true meaning behind encounters, challenges and even heartbreak as a dimension we may normally overlook unfolds.
The Power of Dreams
De-ja vu, precognition, communication and even visitations. Many of our dreams hold just these types of experiences. Is there power during the state of sleep?
Unwrapping Gifts of the Spirit
Whether we notice our gifts early on in life or have just now found an interest, why timing is everything when it comes to our spiritual gifts and development.
Working with Clairvoyance
Do you ever get a feeling that just can't be explained away? Everyone has psychic abilities. When we first experience them, we may wonder whether or not what we are experiencing is real.
Working With the Sixth Sense
Random coincedence is one thing but when our experiences begin revealing more than what we are comfortable with, it can be difficult fitting that aspect of our lives into the world we know.
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