Bible Study

A Bible Study Geared For Moms !
January's Christian Living Site Of The Month,, may provide you with insight you can use.
A Call to Bible Knowledge and Prayer
A news story saddened my heart and reminded me of the presence and persistence of sin.
Acts and Hebrews
These articles are from the Book of Acts, also called Acts of the Apostles and from Hebrews.
All About Attitude
Many articles about attitude. This includes the Book of James.
Ancient Wisdom
Solomon advises his children to listen to God's Wisdom in order to avoid the consequences of sin.
These articles discuss what the Bible says about angels.
Armor of God
What armor do we have for protection in this world? Physical systems prove inadequate. God has provided effective armor that is our only protection in evil times.
Beautiful Transformation
Have you looked into a mirror lately? Are you happy with what you see? Maybe no, but friends, take heart. God is in the process of making each of us more beautiful.
Bible Referances You Didn't Know You Used
Do you refer to the Bible without knowing it? How many of these common terms can you trace to the Bible?
Bible Study Fellowship International [offsite link]
BSF is an interdenominational lay Christian organization with Bible study classes in cities across the United States and the world.
I personally recommend this Bible Study for intensive study geared for whatever level you are at.
Bible Verses About Love
The love we have for a spouse or a child is a dim reflection of the love of God. The Bible says that if we don’t love others, we don’t have any understanding of God, Who is love. Let's take a look at other love verses.
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
This phrase seems to point to mourning not something that happened to me but to something that I have done.
Christian Living Sayings
Contained in this article are 20 Christian focused sayings or 'Wall Paques." When your schedule is full, choose one to meditate on during your day or click on the link for a short study.
Chronological Bible Reading Plans
You may have read the entire bible or none of it. In the New Year gain a new perspective by reading the Bible in chronological order.
Devotionals and Daily Inspiration
This is a listing of inspirational articles and many online devotionals to help you to get into God´s word everyday.
Faith in the Truth
How important is it to know God for who he really is �- the God of the bible? Is it enough to believe in him and to know that he is the way to heaven? Is there more?
Ghosts Who Are They
Who or what are those ghosts and goblins that are said to haunt certain old buildings, mansions, and spooky places? Are they a figment of an active imagination? Are they the departed souls of unfortunate people? Are they Satan's demons?
God Disrupted My Plans
How often to I push a niggling question to the sidelines, when the Lord wants to answer it?
God Love - Height, Depth, Length
How strong is love? Thinking of powerful love, most of us would think of a mother’s love for her child. We don't all have that experience. How do we understand God’s love that is absolute, steady, and infinite?
God's Voice Heard in Different Forms
Do you long to hear from God? What does his voice sound like?
God's Word Ignites Spiritual Growth
My Bible study group takes a break for the summer. Small groups at church meet less often or not at all in summer months. How will I avoid the downward spiral resulting from missing out on God's word?
In Christ
What does it mean to be in Christ? Is there something that I have to do to be in Christ? Is this what it means to be saved?
James and Jude
These articles explore the practical wisdom of the Book of James.
Learn What The Bible is All About
Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is a safe and non-threatening environment to learn. BSF International is an interdenominational, not-for-profit, lay Christian organization dedicated to Bible study.
Many Scripture References
Each article sites scripture from several books of the Bible.
Mark, Luke, Acts, Romans, Philippians Articles
These articles are based on scripture from one of these books of the Bible.
Matthew and John
These articles are based on scripture from Matthew and John.
Memory Verses
Let´s study what common memory verses mean.
These articles are about the miracles that Jesus performed.
Money, Financial, Giving, Serving
An assortment of articles.
Monthly Devotions
Receive encouragement and peace as you read a devotion of the love of Jesus Christ each month.
Not Enough Time for Bible Study
We were excited about Bible study and determined to get into God's word every day. However, it wasn’t long before some of us were too busy to get to our Scripture reading.
Old Testament Articles
These articles are from Old Testament scripture.
Persistent Sin
Have you ever had a stain on your carpet that would not come out? Sin is like that carpet stain. It takes a new carpet to get rid of the stain. It takes a new life in Christ to get rid of the stain of sin.
Play to Win
Am I happy at playing the game or will I press on toward the win? Thoughts of 1 Corinthians 9:24.
Protection That God Provides
The bible says that the dangers we face are not flesh and blood but evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world. Let's talk about the armor of God.
Psalm 1 - The Choice
It seems fitting that the first psalm in the Book of Psalms speaks of the two wats if kuvubg. Anyone who wants to study the book and receive its inspiration and wisdom must first decide which path he will take.
Psalm 55
In the Book of Psalms, there are chapters that are entirely comforting and encouraging.There are others that speak of fear and violence.
Renewed Not Wasting Away
When I tear my attention from my own image and my loss, I see evidence renewal by trust in Jesus.
Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments have a purpose. Maybe God gave us this list to emphasize his holiness. Maybe he gave them, not to berate us for our inability to obey perfectly, but to drive us to Jesus, the Savior and only one who is perfect.
Ten Commandments
These articles discuss the 10 Commandments, attempt to give explanations and practicle uses.
That Heavenly Home
I grew up hearing my parents and grandparents tell me I would go to Heaven when I died. From the context, I guessed it was a good place to go. But no one ever gave me a clear picture of what to expect.
The Bible on Efficient Living
How’s life going for you? Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels - working hard but going nowhere? Judging from the number of self-help books on the store shelves, many people feel this way.
The Fruit of the Spirit
This is a study of each Fruit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
The Rainbow - Reflection of Heaven
I wonder if there is anyone who has not been stopped in their tracks to stare with child-like wonder at a rainbow after a summer rain. The vivid arcs of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet suspended in a summer sky never cease to fascinate me.
The Throne Room of God
Life is unpredictable. “No guarantees” as they say. Recent tragedies make it painfully evident. I’ve been thinking about Heaven. In the last book of the Bible, John’s Revelation of Jesus Christ, John was ushered into the presence of God.
The Wisdom of Proverbs
Have you ever met the “know it all?” This is the person who can’t be told anything because they know everything already – or they think they do. They feel that they are adequately educated, sufficiently understanding, and have ample experience to meet every challenge.
When is the truth not The Truth ?
There are twenty –one major religions in the world and many, many more belief systems. We look to these religions and beliefs to find answers to the many questions we have. There is a natural inner desire to find the Source of life and to know the Truth.
Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with is not responsible for the material found there.
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