
4 Approaches that Escalate Conflict.
Are you making these mistakes in your marriage?
Accepting Him As Is
Can you make peace with his less-than-perfect self?
Are You Controlling?
A sure-fire way to be stressed out is to insist on being in control all the time.
Being Family The guide for in-laws eBook Excerpt
In-law relationships can be the most difficult, and they can destroy otherwise happy marriages, too. This gritty book (e-format available too) is filled with simple truths that can transform your family relationships. Here's an excerpt.
Being Friends with the Ex
Do you or your spouse maintain a close friendship with the ex?
Chore Wars and Marriage
Household chore wars are not just for kids. Spouses argue over home maintenance, too.
Disagreeing vs Arguing
In marriage it is natural for spouses to have differing opinions on matters. But would you rather disagree with the one you love, or would you rather argue? Here's how to avoid getting into a fight with the person you love most in the world.
Disappointed with Marriage
After the honeymoon is over, real life can be sobering for wives who once were wined and dined during romantic days of dating.
Five Ways to End an Argument
Arguments can be healthy but when one becomes fruitless, it’s time to end it.
Get Your Husband to Open Up
A silent man can exude cool sexiness, but after a while, a woman wants her man to open up and let her into his world. Here’s how to get your reticent guy to do just that.
His Dog is Causing Marriage Problems
You can handle the ex. The mother-in-law. Even the step kids. But there is one threat to your marriage you can't breach: his relationship with his dog. Is your mate's pet coming between the two of you?
How to Compromise in Marriage
Getting along in a long-term relationship often requires compromise, but there are many ways to hone the art of “give-and-take.”
How to Help a Friend with Marriage Problems
Statistics show that 75 percent of couples don’t even seek professional counseling before getting a divorce. Instead, they phone a friend.
How to Issue an Ultimatum
There is an effective way to issue an ultimatum in your marriage, but it should be employed only as a last resort.
Irritating Husband
Over time, those annoying little habits can cause emotional chasms between couples that can lead to divorce.
Marital Arguments
What turns a discussion into an argument and an argument into a full-blown fight?
Marriage Counseling Before Things get Rough
Marriage counseling is not just for a marriage in trouble. Keep reading to find out how counseling can be used to give your marriage a "booster shot".
Passive Aggressive Marriage
Many married people have resorted to passive aggressive acts, even if only on occasion. Continued passive aggressive behavior, however, is a sign of a marriage headed for trouble. Here are some signs to watch out for.
Personal Space and Marriage
If you’re feeling suffocated in your marriage, it’s time to create some personal space.
Prozac Paradise
I’ve kept my published words in line, behaving nicely for the most part. Until now. I'm mad.
Reasons to Stay Married
The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence, but here is what you can gain by staying put.
Separate Vacations
Similar to how weary parents can be rejuvenated by an occasional, short respite from childcare duties, married couples can return from their mini-breaks feeling refreshed and happy to be together again.
Smart Stupid Men
How can a smart guy be so stupid at times?
Stop the Blame Game
Our sense of fairness demands that we get to the source of trouble. Here’s how to stop playing the blame game in your marriage.
Ten Personality Traits that Try Marriages
It’s not always the serious challenges that can break a marriage. Here are ten common but difficult personality traits that can strain relationships.
The Compliant Spouse
Chances are, you know one. He's usually not yours, but some other seemingly fortunate wife's husband. And they live happily ever after...
The Good Marital Spat
Unpleasant and tense, marital fighting is not always a sign of a bad marriage. It can be healthy, if done right.
The Lazy Spouse
It’s aggravating to have to push, pull, yank and nag a lazy spouse to get anything done.
The Trial Separation
Can a trial separation help your marriage?
Things Not to Tell Your Mate
Complete honesty is good marriage advice, but it is a kindness not to share everything.
Understanding the Workaholic Husband
A hard-working husband provides financially but can cause other strains on his marriage and family.
Wanting to Change Him
What is it about wives that make us want to mold our mates into becoming better men? It starts before we walk down the aisle when we choose to see the potential instead of the reality.
When Divorce is Not an Option
The “divorce is not an option” marriage needs to be approached with caution.
When You Married a Jerk
In contemporary Western culture, there are no arranged marriages so I always wonder why women end up with jerks.
Why Opposites Attract
There are reasons why we're attracted to mates who have opposite personality traits. Embrace your differences for they serve a purpose.
Why Women Stay in Bad Marriages
As a marriage advocate, I rarely suggest divorce as an option. However, there are cases when a marriage promises to be permanently unhealthy—even harmful—to partners so that dissolving the relationship becomes the sane solution.
Wife Swap
Ever wish you could swap your spouse for someone else's? Catch a few episodes of this reality TV show and you might appreciate your mate a lot more.
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